Friday, July 24, 2015

Summer Lovin'

Summer in New England is amazing--the weather is just right, the peaches and blueberries are just right, the pool on a warm, sunny day is just right.  Groundhogs notwithstanding, the garden is doing well.  The Bug has been in swimming lessons for the past month and is a few brave swims away from being an independent swimmer.  The Pea has learned the art of crawling and climbing--and she's off!  Life is good.
Bike day at school
A visit from the awesome HC 
Wingearsheek Beach--the Bug's first trip
Guess who loved the water, and only ate a little sand?

And guess who loved diving into the water, finding crabs and snails and digging in the sand?
This guy!

The Pea has been rocking a couple of great skirts.  Baby girl clothes are more fun.

Time for a dance party

Red, White & Blue day at the pool
Float races at Hawaiian night (the Bug is on the far right of the blob of kids)
A great afternoon at the deCordova with my two favorite guys