Friday, July 24, 2015


We had a great trip to Portland, Maine over 4th of July weekend.  It was the Pea's first trip to Maine, and she weathered the long, Friday afternoon drive up and the quick Sunday morning drive home with flying colors.  The Bug relished Saturday's four modes of transportation (ferry to Peak's Island, golf cart around Peak's Island, trip on the narrow gauge railroad, and a bike-taxi back to the hotel).  He also delighted in his first fireworks display, and the "crocodile ice cream" that gave him enough of a sugar rush to stay awake.

Summer Lovin'

Summer in New England is amazing--the weather is just right, the peaches and blueberries are just right, the pool on a warm, sunny day is just right.  Groundhogs notwithstanding, the garden is doing well.  The Bug has been in swimming lessons for the past month and is a few brave swims away from being an independent swimmer.  The Pea has learned the art of crawling and climbing--and she's off!  Life is good.
Bike day at school
A visit from the awesome HC 
Wingearsheek Beach--the Bug's first trip
Guess who loved the water, and only ate a little sand?

And guess who loved diving into the water, finding crabs and snails and digging in the sand?
This guy!

The Pea has been rocking a couple of great skirts.  Baby girl clothes are more fun.

Time for a dance party

Red, White & Blue day at the pool
Float races at Hawaiian night (the Bug is on the far right of the blob of kids)
A great afternoon at the deCordova with my two favorite guys