Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Bug's Birthday

The Bug turned 4 in February!  How quickly the time has flown.  His celebration spanned a week, starting with a fun weekend in Virginia to visit Nana, Grandad, Uncle Chris and the Air & Space Museum.  On his actual birthday we flew back to Boston, and the pilot wished him a happy birthday before take off (talk about awesome).  The following weekend his gym/ dinosaur/ teenage mutant ninja turtle party was great.

The Pea's first flight--she was a great flyer.

Climbing on a sculpture on the National Mall, after visiting the Air & Space Museum with Nana, Grandad & Uncle Chris.
Sir Farwell, in Uncle Chris' armor.  It was (very) heavy.
Flying home as a 4 year old! 

4 year old check up with Dr. Yuan.
We are so lucky to have a happy, healthy kid!

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