Thursday, April 14, 2016

The many faces of the Pea

The Pea is more interested than the Bug in having her picture taken these days, so I've been able to capture some of these cute (and not so cute) mugs.  In more than one picture, you might notice that the Pea has taken to wearing one of the Bug's shirts or jackets over her own.  He is kindly obliging her obsession with his clothes, even though she's very partial to his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle shirt.

Easter with Nana & Grandad

Nana and Grandad came up to see the Bug perform in a play of "Stellaluna," to take him to the Big Apple Circus and to celebrate Easter with us.  It was a great visit!

The Bug was "Stellanoche," a baby bat not included in the original book.  He was great!
Collecting eggs after church
A picture with our besties; only one kid looking at the camera....
Is this how this thing works?

Dyeing eggs with Nana
The Pea's basket was hidden in the bathtub
The Bug found his in the washing machine.  Silly Easter Bunny!

No snow at Easter this year!

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Winter in Wayland

After the never-ending, record-breaking winter of 2015, this winter has been pretty mild.  Enough snow to go sledding a couple of times and build a snowman or two; not enough snow to drive one to consider moving to the equator.  Here are some of the highlights of our winter in Wayland:

The Bug Turns Five

The Bug turned FIVE in February.  You read that right, five years old!  A fun gym party, lunch with Dad at his office, and a trip to Legoland made it a great celebration of our great big guy.