Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Falling back to fall

A few pictures from our photo party with our "baby friends" who we met when the Bug was four weeks old.

"This is just what I wanted"

The Bug said this more than once on Christmas, and that means that we got just what we wanted too! It was a very merry Christmas!

Getting ready for Christmas Eve
The Bug was a shepherd in the Christmas Eve pageant

After church silliness!

Opening a present before bed

Listening to Grandma Nena read Twas the Night Before Christmas

The Bug gave the Pea his rocking giraffe, and she loves it!
The Bug worked hard to paint a beautiful elephant for Grandad

Happy December!

The Bug performed in his first play The BFG, and was a great "kid"
The Pea does her best Trump impression.
The Bug brought "Rosie on the Go" (a pretend hamster) home for the weekend.  She got into everything!

The Bug enjoyed chatting with Santa when he visited Wayland  by fire truck
The Bug and Dad had a special day out in Boston--the Holiday Pops and Five Napkin Burger

A visit with silly Uncle Chris

So Thankful

We spent the week of Thanksgiving on the West Coast with friends and family--and had so much to be thankful for.  We were thankful for kids who are great travelers, our time in Seattle seeing old friends from college and extended family, a delicious feast in Davis, CA, cousins who the Bug and Pea adored, the sea lions in San Francisco, and the chance to meet two of our newest, littlest friends.