Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Spring 2015

Some odds & ends before summer arrives!

Joining the circus at the Sheep Shearing Festival

Mother's Day cuteness 

Family selfie--at least all four heads made the shot...
Getting to work on the tool bench
Book reorganization
Welcome to the pool, little Pea!

Here she comes!
This was a seven month picture, until the sticker ended up on the baseball

Date night for the Bug & Mom--burgers at Five Guys, a stroll around the Christian Science reflecting pool, and the Longwood Symphony Orchestra
The Bug looking so handsome
Re-enacting one of our favorite wedding pictures (at the Bug's request)

We went to MIZ-ZOO, ZOO, ZOO! How about you?

The Pea had her first adventure to Missouri last week and traveled with style and grace (right up until a diaper disaster on the way to the airport heading home).  The Bug had a blast playing with and introducing his little sister to Uncle Derek, Uncle Jeff, Aunt Teresa, our friends Dave & Gretchen and the cousins (and quasi-cousins).  Grandma Nena showered us all with love--filling us with delicious food (Wheaties muffins twice!), wraping the kiddos in just-out-of-the-dryer towels after baths, and tolerating our yearning for iced coffee each morning. (More pics to come when Dad gets home from a work trip to Kansas City)

The Bug uses sign language to tell Duchess what to do.
The Bug is ignored, but doesn't mind.
The Bug is undeterred.
The Pea and Duchess say hello.
Grandma Nena in her element.

On Lake Stockton with Uncle Derek!
These cousins are cool, seriously cool.
Generating electricity at the Springfield Discovery Center (i.e., becoming a hamster)
Dad & Uncle Derek--brotherly cooperation.

Playing at the Rouse House
Homeward bound

Dear Boston Ballet, do you need an adorable 4 year old?

The Bug had his first (incredibly cute) ballet recital this afternoon.  He's been taking lessons for over a year and it was awesome to see how much he's learned and grown. I was so proud of his confidence and composure--and he seemed to be having fun. The Pea dressed up, with hopes of someday soon joining her bog brother on the dance floor.