Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Bug and the Pea

Welcome!  Little Mr. Farwell, who we often call Love Bug or Bugster (the "Bug" from here on out), welcomed his little sister with joy last fall and we promptly stopped blogging and sleeping.

Little Miss Farwell, also known as Sweet Pea or Peanut (the "Pea"), has stolen all of our hearts and free  time.  Before too much time slips away, let's catch up.  I'll start with some recent pictures--and then fill in the holes as time (and sleep) permit.

Toes!  Oh my, toes!

Welcome, Bubbles the Betta fish!

Fort making with best buddy

Going sailing?
Food!!!  Not quite sure, yet.
Sure, she loves it.

And so does he.
Eating wears a girl out.

Hanging on a snow day with the Conroys.

In January, before we had 100+ inches of snow--when it was still fun.

Arts & crafts with Nana.