Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Pea is Two!

We've graduated to the land of toddlers and big kids.  The Pea turned two today, and as usual brought us a lot of laughs and smiles along the way.

A puppy from big brother
True Love
This is what a two year old who wants for nothing looks like...she got her own Spider Man shirt and basketball.
Party time!
Meeting the baby farm animals
That's a swaddled bunny

Not sure about the piglet trying to undo her brother's shoes
Warming up

Holding the chicken
"He has a diaper!"

School Time!

The Bug started Kindergarten and the Pea started nursery school--both to great delight!  Soccer, piano and swim lesson at the Y all started started too.  We sadly said goodbye (for now) to our great first nanny. We ended September by joining my Dana-Farber co-workers for the Jimmy Fund Walk (led fearlessly by our captain, the Bug).

Excitement the rain can't even tamper
Not sure she wants him to go

First day of church school

Cape Cod--Brewster Style!

With Dad hard at work for most of the week, we were grateful for all of the fun (and help!) with Nana and Grandad.
Brewster Scoop
Dennis tower

A day on the ocean side in Orleans

Sesuit Harbor Cafe

Summer Re-cap

The summer was, New Hampshire, farm camp, Cape Cod (separate post coming next), New York, science camp...  It was so awesome, we're just now catching up!

Black Cap Mountain with our dear A-W friends
Snow in New Hampshire.

That's our girl!  Making a fashion statement.
Storyland fun 
The Pea driving a tractor at Storyland

Parents getting in on the fun
She did not want to leave Storyland.  Clearly.

Blueberry picking with friends

Camp night at Drumlin Farm

Road trip to New York!
The Bug on the Brooklyn Bridge
Museum of Natural History
Hanging with Haley
And Teddy R.

Watching the Olympics, after a day in New York.
Grandma Nena's piano arrived safe & sound!
Not sure which is these three was happier?

Irrigating the backyard
Joy riding in Cold Creek park


Our new puppy
Canoeing before Kindergarten!
Waiting for the MacSimmons to move in
Brunch with Auntie Kate

Waterworks Museum

No shirt spaghetti dinner

Visting our neighbor cat
It's too cold in here
